Sunday, July 22, 2007
YAY China global classroom doesn't clash with Dance Trip! :D
Today has been a considerably good day. I guess.
I had ballet ALONE! ):
Everyone pangseh me lah ): And guess what! The funny thing is, I was the only one who didn't go last week! Called Alethea but then she didn't pick up her phone ): And no one came after that! D: But it was fine (: Quite fun, in fact. Learnt more of the dance and we're finishing already! :D :D I LOVE CSTD'S ELEMENTARY CLASSICAL DANCE. It's damn nice :D
And I swear, I've never been so tired after ballet before :O HAHAHHAHA. But it was good :D It was like a private lesson lah! :O
Anyway, I went to cut my hair today! Been wanting to cut my hair for a longlong time! It's quite short now I think I cut like 10 cm :O Feel a bit sad but I'm okay with it xD At least I still can tie my hair! And it still looks long when I tie my hair ._. My hair's really weird. It's always like that lah D:
Tomorrow's ruan concert! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE CHER! :D Bianca's not going I'm going to miss her ): Oh but I can't wait to have dinner with them! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D I hope my mom allows me to have dinner with them. Although I think my dad will be more of a problem... ): Sigh. Sheesh I can't ask my mom now she went to sleep -.- Shall ask tomorrow morning! :D
And I need to go to popular BADLY. I'm running out of stationery! ):
Chatting with Cher but I'm still waiting for mina to get back on the computer because I'm really bored. So I'm hoping gay mina can like entertain me. But I think I should really get off and go practice my guitar. Anyway, I can always come back online since I brought tabby home :D
Okay, I'm going down now! :D
Toodles (:
I'm a happy kid today! :D
12:32 AM
Friday, July 20, 2007
I love Cher and Bianca!
Thanks for always being there when I just need to rant <3
And making me feel like you understand (:
Anyway today was considerably fine. Time flew during lessons. It just felt like the breaks came damn fast :O I guess it was a good thing. Although math was a killer. I totally don't understand a single thing ):
There was DSA today. Saw the girl whom we talked to, including her parents, during open house xD I think laoshi likes her (: And another peichun girl who's like seriously damn tall I feel so small and inferior and insignificant beside her ): Thank goodness I wasn't standing beside her or something. :D Bianca was like so excited when she heard she was from peichun. HAHA. Ego xD But she was good (: There was one DSA-er who cried D: And she was the one who borrowed lianghui's shorts. LOL!
After DSA, we went to KAP because we were feeling hungry. Called Cher and Mina if they wanted to join us and they said they'll call us back later xD They were having DSA too! :D Hahahahaha. Trish disappeared I think she had CCA or GECO or something D: I can't remember =/
Ohwell. Anyway so me nana and Bee went to kap first (: We ate and then biancaloh asked for my tabby. Heh then she started playing inkball. But it got really boring. Nana is lousy she sucks at inkball xD HAHAHAHHAA. Quit inkball and went to windows journal! Then we started drawing stuff to let others guess xD Came to this point when bianca drew nana extremely UGLILY and I could actually make it out xD wahahahhaa.
Then I drew Bianca xD Omg it was so hilarious. We all had BUNS on the top of our heads :D HAHAHHHAA. And bianca had teenyweeny eyes and superthick eyebrows and lips with no shape and super brown face which looks like a krabby patty and really small ears! IT WAS SO FUNNY. And I think we made a lot of noise. Halfway while we were drawing and laughing at each other, someone went, "SHH!" Oops xD
OHOHOH! I MET DORIS AT KAP XD The second time I've seen her in person after SCGS dance night! :D :D :D :D
Then it was their turn to draw me and bianca wanted to take revenge so she was like, no eyebrows for cheryl! ): so mean ): HAHAHAHA but ohwell it was equally funny. I had teenyweeny eyes too D: Just not cockeyed xD Oh and I had a yellow face instead of a brown one. HAHAHAHA. :D So I looked like a banana.
Nana's picture was still extremely sane because she was the first to be drawn (: I swear we'll draw another portrait of her :D :D
Then Cher and Mina arrived! But I couldn't stay longer because I had tuition. I wanted to stay so badly ): But Yeah so I rushed back home and my tuition teacher was there already! :O Lol hey I walked home okay (: Felt like it anyway.
These people really cheered me up lots <3
They made my day so much better! :D
I MUST hand in the two gonghans tomorrow.
Okay, back to work! ):
I GREWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :Dby like 1cm. ):
But whatever, I still grew and I finally reached the 160 mark! :D :D :D
5 more cm! :D
I just need to grow 1cm per term from now till sec 4!
I shall drink more milk! :D
1:00 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I am so freaking bored.
There's like no one I usually talk to online to entertain me ):
But nonetheless, TODAY WAS GREAT :D
Watched Harry Pottter :D (my second time and my mom doesn't know. If she did, she'll prolly kill me because she asked me not to watch it before today :/) It was fine but the cinema was damn noisy and it was annoying and distracting. Stupid little kids who were making so much noise. Seriously, they should learn their manners. I don't remember myself making so much noise while watching a movie before. Grrr.
Bianca was so eeked out by the scene where they showed Umbridge's room :D I was like "Omg Bianca's going to be so freaked out." And the next thing we knew, Nana heard an "Ewwwww" HAHAHAHHAHA it was really funny. Yeah, as you can tell, we were separated ): Ohwell.
I was feeling really lethargic after the movie. I think it's because I woke up EARLY ): But anyway, I didn't go for ballet. I was like "Mom, can I don't go for ballet because I'm feeling tired. Can I go out for lunch with them?" And my mom was like "You're tired and you still can go out?" And I was like," Only for lunch" Well yeah she let me go (: Then she went home.
Then we went to pacific plaza. Haven't been to the surf shops for like eons. But there wasn't much there so we went back to shaw. Bianca wanted to see her BIANCA jeans (yes, it has her name on it) so we went to mango and shaw. I tried the white jeans and it was nice (: I'm gonna go back today with my mom to get it :D Nana got a white racer. Bianca didn't get her jeans though.
Nana felt like eating prawn noodles! Hahahahaha then they were talking about hougang and lye xD Apparently the prawn noodles at hougang was nice ._. But anyway we went to food replublic. I've never eaten there before D: Nana bianca mina ate hokkien mee. Cher and I wanted the soup one so we walked around looking for it. Cher asked the drink woman who was walking past us where the prawn noodle shop was and it was right in front. With big fat chinese words in RED "XIA MIAN" :/ So embarrassing D: But anyway the stupid prawn noodle aunty is so blur she gave us laksa prawn noodle. Bloodyshit I don't eat laksa okay. I think she wanted to kill me or something D: As usual, I let nice cher do the nice talking because I know I'll end up being really qianbian. She insisted that her colleague told her LAKSA prawn noodles when wtf no she didnt -.- And she didn't want to change it for us until I opened my mouth and said firmly "BU YAO" :/ Then she took it away! Just knew I should have opened my mouth earlier. Ah but anyway she's reallyblur and stuff. She like, dropped the wrong ingredients into the boiler?! Sigh. Ohwell!
While walking back to our table, me and Cher felt like we were in a very precarious situation =/ I felt like someone was going to knock into me and make my bowl topple over. Well, I guess we were just being paranoid because it didn't happen. Then we camwhored a little, with disgusting plate filled with prawn shells, before we left. Bianca had pepsi bottle covers as eyes (: And Nana fed me disgusting vegetables which was mixed together with prawn shells (Duh no I didn't eat them okay. Not when its mixed with the prawnshells :/)
After eating, we walked around (: Went to Esprit and I saw a few nice tops. Called my mom to confess to her that I was shopping and she was surprisingly okay with it. In fact she seemed like she was in a good mood so I felt a bit more thick skinned and asked her if she was going to come over (to pay for the stuff). Well, I guess I know where I got my laziness from because my mom didn't wanna come over because "It's really crowded". But anyway I was fine with it because it'd be mean to ask her to come all the way here =/ So yeah I asked the people to hold the stuff for me and I'll be back tomorrow to collect it! Actually, today.
Yay. Then Bianca left for tuition. Cher and Nana were still in the changing room and we were already reaching the counters. Then Nana appeared and I was like hurrying her to the queue. And yes, she cut the queue =/ But if she were to queue again, she'd have to wait for TEN freaking minutes. It's retarded the queue was like seriously damn bloody long. But anyway they paid for the stuff and yeah xD we left Esprit.
Saw topshop and we decided to go in (: Trish left a while after we went in I think. She went to meet her other friends for dinner at FOUR THIRTY PM. DINNER. Yes. Hahahaha irregular meals! She didn't eat lunch and I hate half a piece of her hotcake for breakfast xD They were saying that I added alot of syrup D: Eh alot meh =/ It seriously wasnt sweet enough! ): Heh thank goodness Cher was like me :D
Trish left and me and nana saw this nice pair of black jeans :D It was really pretty. We went to try it on and we decided to get it. Cher wanted to try it too but there were only two pieces on display and we initially wanted to let Cher cut queue but the stupid woman didnt let her in! ): So yeah in the end she didn't try and she said she was too lazy to try anyway. Awman ): I felt so bad. Well, I tried to ask them to help me hold the item for me, again, but they didn't let. So Cher was nice and she lent me monayye. More of nets, actually. Nana's nets account was broke so she borrowed from Cher too. Cher's going to be soooo rich on Monday (: Thanks Cher! Anyway, I think my mom should get a nets account for me too. But I doubt she will. She'll be like, "No, you'll spend all the money." Wtf I won't lor ): I might even deposit money :D :D :D I hate seeing blank accounts so I wont spend all the money :D But I haven't brought it up to her. Neither do I dare to because she might start nagging and rambling D: Ohwell. I'm fine with the way it is now. Just that I feel bad when I use other people's net accounts ):
On second thoughts, my mom might actually get me one if I ask her! Why? Because she was saying that she wants to see how I handle my money. LOL. Maybe I should go suggest it to her! :D Yeah, when I feel like it! (: I wonder when that'll be... (:
My mom was bugging me because she was waiting for me at Aunty Stella's place. Apparently she said that she'd be there at 3 and she asked me to take a bus down there. But erm. By the time we finished shopping at topshop it was 5 =/ Felt bad for making her wait since she agreed to go back to orchard to get my stuff today :D I bet she wants to go shopping too okay. :D Last week she was like asking me if I wanted to go shopping and dammit, I WANTED! But there was so much to complete for SIAs, I didn't go ): Not sure if she went with my father in the end because I was too busy doing work by the computer to care. Neither did I want to care because I'll start feeling so sore about it ): But today will make up for it! :D
Okay so I met my mom at Aunty Stella's place. I haven't been there for so long already. Used to go there every week after ballet in my tights. Lol I still remember. Aunty Stella was saying how much I've grown and everything. She made me feel so good about my height! :D :D :D That made my day!
I was feeling sleepy so I went to sleep. Was supposed to wake up at 630 to eat dinner early because I was going to watch Mercury tonight. Apparently my maid only woke me up at 7. Well I have nothing against that because I got to sleep for half and hour more :D Well, I had a quick dinner and finished at 7.10! Like, WOW! :D Was supposed to meet lianghui at 7.15 but I didn't wanna be alone so I waited for her to reach first. Oops. Meanwhile, I went back to sleep... Hahahah I didn't hear the vibration so I didnt know she replied my message. So I only woke up at 7.25 and guess what, the performance starts at 7.30 :D Changed quickly and my mom drove me to school. Before my mom turned in, I realised that I forgot my ticket. Like, how smart of me, right? So we turned back and got my ticket!
Well, we still made it. They always open the doors late anyway.
Lalala (: After typing that, I feel like such a pig.
Today was a great day.
Not to mention, fruitful :D
I feel so happy (:
Especially when SIAs are HISTORY :D
That's really a load of my chest.
But tests are coming real soon. I just hope I wont fail math again because I hate math remedial. I dont mind going, seriously but it clashes with peer tutoring and dance. So it's like a dilemma. But the past three weeks has worked out well. Like I always say... things will work out (: And they did!
Tried studying math just now. Was successful to a certain extent. I think I only managed to concentrate for like half an hour. Wasn't that fruitful though. Didn't get past box and whiskers diagram (yeah they sound so gay) and havent reached standard deviation yet.
I think I'll be meeting SCPS people this wednesday again (: Tiffany's going! I cant wait to meet her I haven't seen her a single time for 5 years plus! :D Amanda's excited too but she might not be able to make it. ): But this also means that I wont be able to go out with nana bianca mina cher and trish! Oh trish has piano so she's not counted xD I hope I don't miss out too much, whereever they're going! They never fail to brighten up my day :D and bring laughter into my stupid boring life!
Okay I think I'll stop here. It's a really long post. Haven't posted such a detailed post for a long time. But I feel happy today so yeah :D
2:05 AM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Tabby is cool (: I'm starting to love them even more now!
I'm in my living room typing this!
So it's kind of risky because my mom's like sitting right in front of me D:
But I don't think she'll know (:
Tomorrow I'm going to watch Harry Potter again. I prefer the previous movie but maybe I'll change my mindset after watching it tomorrow again because I was feeling kind of sleepy on Thursday anyway. Yeah, lack of sleep ): That's why I'm so glad today's FRIDAY!!!!!
AND TODAY MARKS THE END OF SIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But anyway tests will be here like damn soon ): We had geog test today anyway. I seriously think I'll fail AGAIN. I've been failing the last two terms I don't exactly wanna fail again. But I didn't have time to study properly this time so ... ): Ohwell!
SENIORS CAME BACK TODAY! :D But I didn't exactly get to talk to them ): Boo I miss Kaishi and Peixuan ):
Ah I'm so bored.
And I'm tired ):
12:27 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Omg Irene Tan just stepped in and she was like, "Cheryl I haven't gotten your summary yet right?" Shit I feel damn bad it's like june hols. And then she asked, "Do you feel that there's a need for me to look at it?" Bloodyhell she's damn nice lah she makes me feel guilty ): Stupid lianghui pangseh me and went for meeting D: But anyway I told her we'd pass it to her after school today. I'm supposed to be doing it now but guess what, I'm like blogging D:
Tablet pcs are a distraction.
And they are bloody heavy I died carrying it up! FOUR STOREYS ):
Omg Pinghui's like asking for nice comments for the teachers now xD We are such nice people we're like giving everyone kind comments :D Coreen's so funny, I swear (: I wonder what we'll write about... :D :D :D :D :D Inside joke (:
It's time to pack my file... again. Seriously it has only been a few weeks and it's bulging like crap already. Or maybe it's just because I can't be bothered to file it =/ Aiya whatever I hate to pack files ): I still haven't packed LA file and Geog file lah freak.
Oh and peer tutoring yesterday was so funny lah (: They were so mean to the teacher! I laughed so much by the time I got home I was so freaking tired and drained and everything. Not to mention the fact that I slept at 430 the night before ):
CO Showcase tonight! Will be back late and we'll have to start on our geog after that....
Told you it's never ending ):
Shit I just realised that IreneTan gave back the compres already. And me and lianghui haven't handed it in yet =/ Just great. Reminds me of biows4.2 D: I never handed it in to ChristineLee lah D:
Sigh okay I think I'll try to do the summary now ):
12:41 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
And once again, we're up doing work.
Seriously, this is never-ending.
My printer's printing at a seriously super slow turtle rate it annoys me like crap because I want to go down to my room already ): I still have mathws, chinese gonghan and compre which is wayyyyyyy overdue to do okay. Kill me. Yes, I don't mind if you stalk me and come to my house now and stab me ):
I bet I won't be able to last tomorrow at school anymore. One whole week of exhaustion is enough for me. My body can take a few days but not one whole week. I have a feeling I'm going to collapse soon ): I really wanna get over this SIA shit like NOW. It's making me all angsty and moody and everything I hate ):
Come on, printer, please print faster.
Ah fine I heck already.
Tomorrow morning then i collect the stuff D:
3:20 AM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
This is one of the times when I just feel like banging on my electric guitar, plugged into my amps, blasted at full volume.
If I could, I would.
But it's freaking late now.
I feel angsty.
1:44 AM
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Funfair today!
Nothing much actually. Me and cher were kind of alone the whole day today because Trish didn't come and Lianghui and Bianca had council stuff. We did look for Nana and Mina though but we only spent like a little time with them because it was their shift already and after that they never left the stall =/
We spent quite a lot of time in our classroom actually. Making customisation orders from downstairs. And I was ironing! Because ironing is actually quite fun and you won't get to see Cheryl iron any other time of the year anymore (: Hahaha yes I didn't wanna put the beads on the templates because I wasn't feeling patient enough today D: and I didn't have the mood too. I don't think I'd be able to stare at the templates and put those beads in. I'll prolly go blind and when I woke up in the morning I could hardly open my eyes ): I almost didn't wanna go to school but then nice me thought of lianghui and decided to drag myself to school...
You know there's something that I'm ITCHING to blog about but I've really got absolutely no mood to think about it now.
Another time, maybe.
And to
you: You seriously need to do some soul-searching.
12:52 AM
Friday, July 06, 2007
I know I'm supposed to be sleeping but I can't fall asleep ):
And just now I was really falling asleep just now lah. I was like talking on the phone with my eyes closed D: And then when i came down I felt like playing my guitar so I did... And now I don't feel like sleeping anymore. I was supposed to be making hama beads but then I don't know where the iron is and I don't wanna go down to look for it lest my maid wakes up and finds out I'm awake then I'm dead because it's like really late now :/
I miss idling ): I wanna go back to ambleside in UK and roll on the grass down the hill and read poems (mygosh I can't believe I'm saying this) and talk to weiqing they all and everything. I suddenly miss UK so much omg ): Sigh can i fly there with nana now or something ):
Anyway after school I went to buy more hama beads with nana. We talked quite alot (: I love catching up with nana! She talks about really interesting stuff you never get bored (: Heh heh heh :D and I bought the Lime magazine with Daniel Radcliffe on the front page! :D :D :D :D he looks good there. At least he doesn't have screwed fugly hair :D Heh. But somehow I feel that Lime's really sarcastic in their comments and stuff D: somewhat like those really gossipy tabloid magazines =/ just not THAT serious.
Sheesh the battery is down to two bars. I feel so stupid I didn't bring the adaptor home lah ): Cannot charge.
And my knee is screwed. It hurts ): I hope it doesn't screw up during dance tomorrow. And I hope I don't feel stiff tomorrow ): I hope we lian gong too. I miss lianing gong D: I miss jumping ): I think jumping on the considerably empty dance floor after cca with bianca is really fun (: especially when I feel HIGH :D literally jump high I mean. Haha and that makes me high (:
I seriously think I should sleep soon. But I think I'll make a rose first. And iron it tomorrow morning or something. But I don't know man, I don't really feel like doing it =/Lost the mood for it already.
I shall go do pointe before I sleep.
:D pointe makes me happy it's so pretty (:
I think centrestage rocks big time I wanna buy the dvd! And i can go watch it over and over and over :D :D :D :D :D
Ballet is the best (:
Okay that's enough I think I should be sleeping in about half an hour or so.
2:39 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Wulao's not here today so we get a free period.
Today sucks lah. We're supposed to be presenting geog today during recess and guess what? She didn't even appear until the last five minutes -.- like wth. and there are two groups presenting okay. It's so annoying because we really wanted to settle it and really get over it and done with it. Now we have to present on monday RECESS. She better be here at the start of the recess. Trish was so pissed she sounded a bit like she was talking to heng when she said "this is a three minutes presentation, not a three hour presentation" last year :D ahahaha twoten rocks!
Had PE today and I rammed my finger into the volleyball while playing captains ball. It hurts like shit I can't bend it and I can't type properly and I can't even tie my hair okay ): It's swollen too D: gah. And I looked like a madwoman after PE and i couldn't tie my hair ): I was like dying. Then during recess I asked lianghui to tie my hair and my fragile scalp almost died D: hahahaha reminds me of SYF =/ Just that I didn't scream this time (: stupid huiying was like staring and me and sheena was telling her that I have a really sensitive scalp ): they gossip about meeeeee ): HAHAHAHA :D
Yesterday we were making hama beads! It was sooooo draining and confusing and it made me go almost blind ): I love the rose! It's damn hard to make okay ): I felt sooo tired during tuition. Then I "woke up" after tuition because I was super frantic because we had to hand in and do alot of stuff today. And my brain started working! And i didn't feel stupid anymore (:
We're supposed to be doing our zuowen now and I'm blogging =/
Hahahaha someone is playing some gay song that sounds like something Yin Hwee would listen to XD it was so funny she played seven dwarves while we were making the hama stuff yeserday. And i can't believe guen yik is actually really going to make digimon =/ she is nuts she brought stuff she drew on graph paper like FOUR YEARS AGO. HAHAHAHA DAMN ANCIENT XD
Melanie has such a weird laughter and she was so damn high yesterday she made me high too. Hahahahahahha she and her superman logo XD
I'm starting to like our new classroom (: Mainly because of our tablet pcs and air conditioned room hehhehheh.
OMG lianghui just asked who's doing zuowen and no one replied XD so funny XD I shall do math ws and compre which is seriously OVERDUE. I hate procrastination ): Hahahahhaa. Oh and I just realised that my pink dolphin bottle is still rotting in our classroom since like last week =/ The other time i think i stocked up till like three or four bottle and they falling off my table and they made alot of noise D: kendra had to keep picking them up for me. I should seriously get rid of my bad habits (:
ladeedum okay I think I'll be a good girl and try to do math ws... and compre ):
10:21 AM
I just know it.
1:37 AM